
classes, workshops, and teaching material

Chinese University of Hong Kong

Robotic Perception and Intelligence
ELEG 3103
Spring 2023, 24: Teaching Assistant
  • Undergraduate-level introduction to robotics course taught by Prof. Hongliang Ren.
  • — Tutorials on Jacobian Matrix, visual servoing.
  • — Hands-on project on CoppeliaSim robot simulation.
Introduction to Electronic System Design
ELEG 2700
Fall 2023: Teaching Assistant
  • Undergraduate-level introduction to simple autonomous cars course taught by Miss NGAN Lai Yin, Ada.
  • — Projects on autonomouos cars assembly, sensing, and control.
Probability for engineers
ELEG 2760
Fall 2022: Teaching Assistant
  • Undergraduate-level course on probability theory and engineering applications taught by Prof. Hongliang Ren.
  • — Tutorials on sampling and probabilistic model.